How Automated Grievance Email Distribution Helps Hospice Agencies

Hospice Bereavement Solutions (HBS)

HBS offers a range of automated solutions designed specifically for hospice agencies. Two notable features include Automated Grievance Email Distribution and Automated Grievance Letter Distribution. These tools simplify the process of distributing correspondence to grieving families, ensuring timely and efficient communication.

Automated Grievance Email Distribution

One of the key features of HBS is the automated grievance email distribution system. This system allows hospice agencies to send personalized emails to families and individuals in the bereavement plan of care. By eliminating the need for manual distribution, agencies can save significant amounts of time and money. 

How It Works

To utilize the automated grievance email distribution feature, hospice agencies need to sign up for HBS. Once registered, agencies can import their client database and set individualized preferences for each client. By customizing templates and adding agency logos, the correspondence becomes personalized and professional. The administrative preferences can be easily adjusted, ensuring that the system works seamlessly with the agency's existing processes. 


Benefits of Automated Grievance Email Distribution:

By implementing automated grievance email distribution, hospice agencies can save valuable time and resources. The system offers a daily scheduler, allowing agencies to preview the day's scheduled activities and email/print each correspondence as planned. Customization options, such as choosing the style, font, and text content, enable agencies to tailor the correspondence to their exact preferences. 


 Additionally, HBS provides an extensive document library, including 12 letter templates and several forms, which can be further customized by the agency. The historical correspondence tracker ensures that all records are archived and easily accessible for verification purposes. Adding new clients to the system is a simple process, further streamlining the agency's operations.

Meeting CMS Requirements

The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mandates that hospice organizations offer bereavement services to the family and individuals in the bereavement plan of care for at least 12 months following the patient's death. By utilizing automated grievance email distribution, hospice agencies can efficiently meet these requirements while providing ongoing support to families. 

The Importance Of Bereavement Services

Staying connected with grieving families is vital for hospice agencies. Bereavement services offer emotional and psychological support during the grieving process, helping families cope with their loss. By providing ongoing assistance and maintaining a connection, hospice agencies can make a significant impact on the healing journey of these families. 



Automated grievance email distribution is transforming the way hospice agencies offer support to grieving families. With the help of Hospice Bereavement Solutions, agencies can streamline their correspondence processes, save time, and provide efficient bereavement services. By eliminating manual distribution and embracing automation, agencies can focus more on providing personalized care and support to families in need. Sign up now or visit the website and start reaping the benefits of automated grievance email distribution.